Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ethical Concerns

Base research essay proposal had stated that most of his research will base on online journal, article and interview of the professional rather of gathering information from literature or book written by expert.

Interactive media is still currently a new topic, published books base on interactive media is slightly lesser in the market. Because the objective of the research is focus on the technology in Olympics Opening Ceremony or Large scale events. 

In the essay, some mixtures of theories will be apply in the essay and also research stage. Research ethical concern and legislation need to be clear while doing the research, data collecting and analysis.

Ethic Concern in UH Student Handbook highlighted 
"If the work you undertake as part of your studies in the School of Creative Arts involves the participation of others, you will need to get the approval of the Faculty Ethics Committee (UH) by completing an Application for Ethics Approval. The Ethics committee is here to help protect you and others involved in your work. The Application for Approval is designed to ensure that anyone who is involved in any aspect of your studies is protected from harm or distress your work might cause and that you have designed your project in such a way to ensure that participants are aware of what you are doing, why you are doing it, and they have given informed consent that they are willing to participate. In your application, you are also required to give assurances about how you will collect and store information and what precautions you have taken to keep that data secure, either password protected or locked securely away. You will also be required to declare that you will not disclose that data or any other information.

Base on the student handbook ethical concern is main focus on to consider the well being of others in the project. And if there is involvement of others student need to get approval from the school. Different group of people, the ethical concern level will also be effect. To do this is to protect the people privacy and to qualified the informations and statement. 
To practice Ethical Research, one of the important keys is to ensure high quality research that related to their topic. Plagiarism and fraud are not allowed to found in the essay. Make sure that research and sources must be credited with Harvard referencing. 

For this research essay, it is drop under the category of minimal ethical issue, which means didn't work with other individual or organisations. If there are any participation of people or organize, formal approval must be assigned from the academic. Any failure will be assigned as academic misconducts which will cause the research invalid.

In the essay research, secondary sources which are valid online journal, interview, book, and valid news article to support the theory of the essay. All research will be cited with harvard references to show clean support and prevent plagiarism.

University of California, Berkeley provide a list of document about ethical issues during research. In Ethical Issues in Undergraduate Research Activities with Human Participants it explained it is important for student to minimising the risk while doing research. In this article it provide the some requirement for student to understand the areas that need to be concern while or before conducting a research. Undergraduate need to know that any of the risk may affect the result of the research.

"1) Minimising the risks of research
” As defined in the federal regulations, “minimal risk” means that participants will encounter no harms or discomforts greater than those that are a normal part of their daily lives. 

2. Protecting individuals who are members of a vulnerable group
Fully informed consent may not be possible for them because the consequences of their research participation are unpredictable.

3. Ensuring that research subjects’ participation is informed and voluntary

Include an informed consent process that include the detail of the researcher and description of the area of research,  the risk or discomfort in the research, explains any potential benefits to the participant, the community, and/or scientific knowledge; and provides contact information for the researcher(s). Basically a form of agreement between researcher and participants." (University of California, Berkeley)

Research Ethical
1. Limited Quantity sources.
Due to it is slightly a new topic and there very less legit and quality information found either on print or even on net. The focus area of the research will be in event and olympics event and he might need to use the articles and finding from the event and olympics association and use the theory of expert to identify the sources to check whether the source is valid or useful. These information that be found maybe bias, so the writer will try avoid this to happen by getting more expert and sources to prove the statement that he selected.

Personal Study Ethical
1. Personal Study Hours 
This is one of the ethical concern of student as well. Is important to be responsible on organizing their work and their time for research and finding. The researcher is late behind the schedules and before that he didn't set up a schedule to follow up on his work. In this case, the student decide to come up a schedule to make sure you can complete the essay and ensuring the essay will be in the best quality in the end of the day.

2. Writing skills, Harvard referencing and plagiarism  
Base pass assignment result, the researcher realise that his writing skills is slightly weaker compare to his classmate. During the discussion with lecturer, the lecturer mention that is it good to come out draft and send for check in the english department. With that also able to check the referencing method and prevent from plagiarism.


Ethical Issues in Undergraduate Research Activities with Human Participants. (2014). 1st ed. [ebook] University of California, Berkeley. Available at: [Accessed 10 Dec. 2014].

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