Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Literature review : Inventing the Medium (Principles of Interaction Design as a Cultural Practice)

Post no.1
Literature Review - 1

Inventing the Medium (Principles of Interaction Design as a Cultural Practice) by Janet H. Murray

Inventing the Medium had cover and share some idea that are related to the student topic. The research from chapter 1, Design in an Evolving Medium. Janet H. Murray start every chapter of Inventing the Medium with a famous quote. In this chapter, She put in a quote from Alan Kay 'The best way to predict the future is to invent it.'(1971). Base on the quotation, i am absolutely agree, Cf. Dennis Gabor also mention in his book, Inventing the Future (1963), showing: "The future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented."The time is ticking every second, the technology had evolve and be invented. 

INVENTING IN MEDIUM - "To design is to shape a specific artifact or process by choosing among alternate strategies in order to achieve explicit goals."(Janet, 2012:25) 

Base on the quotations in Janet perspective, to invent a medium or a technology, the inventor or the designer need to know what are the alternatives strategies. As a designer, they need to know what are the source to create a new design, and what are functionalities of this design is able to achieve. Before that designers also need to know what are the goals that they are trying achieve. Same go to the design or technology in a event, what is the purpose of the used of the interactive technology available in the event. Are they necessary for the visitor to interact with it during the visit to the event. In the process, as a designer and inventor they need to choose or make the right decision. Frame down a new design problem within existing traditions, practices, and goals.
Virtual realities and project mapping is the two interactive and immersive technology is one of focus point in recent China and London olympics opening ceremony. After reviewing this chapter, this concept help to trigger more questions about what are the different when the designer are creating the design and interaction and is London olympics focused on refining familiar elements to make it more reliable, usable, functionable, visual appealing or marketable.

Next research section will be chapter 3, Maximising the four Affordances. In this chapter there no much related information but there are few key point that i will like to highlight after reviewing the chapter. First will be a quote from Marshall McLuhan -  all media as extensions of ourselves serve to provide new transforming vision and awareness (McLuhan[1964] 1995). The theory had helped inventors and designers to come out a lot of new medium but Janet say that "The digital designer has two responsibilities: to create the artifact that has best serves the needs of the people who will interact with it and to advance the digital medium as a whole(Janet, 2012: 87)". By understand the needs of people or events, what are the behaviour of interaction, designer able to increase the expressive power of the particular artifact, and advance the ability of creating a better artifact. Every opening ceremony of olympics had it own story behind and the technology to make everything happen. Although every year some of the technologies that are use is similar, but base on the needs and want of the viewer or people the technology had to reframe and refine to increase more immersive and user friendly technology to help enhancing the event.

The last section had strongly related to the essay topic will be chapter 10, The Tool Model: Augmenting the Expressive Power of the Hand. In this chapter that is a quotation from Terry Winograd that said: 'Successful interaction design requires a shift from seeing the machinery to seeing the lives of the people using it, In this human dimension, the relevant factors become hard to quantify, hard to even identify (Terry Winograd, 1997).'

User interface, user experience and user interaction is some of the key element when Interactive media design are designing or inventing a artefact. But there is a question, before all these had exited, when a designer or inventor create a object, people will normal went through the user guide before the start to interact with it. and during that time they can clearly see that the interaction part is mostly focus on the machine and how it was operated by human. But during this recent, after some technology are being produce and user had experience so much interaction with technology, they have a concept, idea or pattern of control and object, for example a smart phone. User will know how to interact with it. And from the designer and developer will study from there to improve their gadget or function to make it more user friendly. Beside that designers and developer also design gadget base our normal living lifestyle. For example, during china and london olympics there are led light place at the seat of the audience in the stadium, and base on the student understand, people will do "waves" when they watching some sport activities in stadium. And the designer used the same concept create an illusion of fake light interaction from crowd. like the crowd u control the led light during the opening ceremony. 

In the same chapter of Design in an Evolving Medium, Janet also discussed by asking: Who needs this object and for what? this question must be asked at three levels, which are the function, context and core which is able to help me while analysing the event technology


Hci.stanford.edu, (2014). From Computing Machinery to Interaction Design. [online] Available at: http://hci.stanford.edu/~winograd/papers/acm97.html [Accessed 2 Dec. 2014].

McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding media. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Murray, J. (2012). Inventing the medium. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

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